Inspired by more out-there depictions of angels in the Bible, a lot from the book of Ezekiel. Second Edition Pathfinder.
Designtober 10 - Agumon
Designtober 9 - Discord
Designtober 8 - Andalite
Designtober 7 - Slimegeist
Designtober 6 - Dementor
Designtober 5 - Pumpkin Lord
Designtober 4 - Red Vino Ooze
Designtober 3 - Dixigus, Crossroads Devil
Designtober 2 - Farfetch'd
A wild duck-like creature originating from the Kanto region but now found throughout the rest of the world. Farfetch’d have always been hunted for food but lately, an indulgent dish created from both a farfetch’d and the onion it carries has soared in popularity. In response to this great threat, farfetch’d use their onions as weapons, displaying the kind of skill typically reserved for trained knights and warriors. A farfetch’d is an intelligent creature, capable of limited speech and maintaining lasting friendships. They typically travel in small flocks of five to ten adult birds, living around small ponds and idyllic marshlands. There are some people who’ve come to see eating farfetch’d as barbaric and immoral but that hasn’t stopped the majority of the populace from craving the duck’s succulent and tender meat.
Perception +8;
Languages Common, Sylvan (understands speech, responds by saying ‘farfetch’d’)
Skills Acrobatics +8, Intimidation +5, Stealth +8, Survival +8
Str +2 Dex +3 Con +0 Int +1 Wis +2 Cha +1
AC 17; Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +5
HP 30
Weaknesses creatures attempting a swallow whole action against a farfetch’d receive a +4 bonus to their Athletics check
Attack of Opportunity (reaction)
Speed 15 feet, fly 40 feet, swim 20 feet
Melee onion longsword +11 (magic, versatile p) Damage 1d8+2
Primal Innate Spells DC 18; 2nd create food (onions only), remove fear; 1st gust of wind; Cantrips (2nd) shield
Onion Weapon (one action) (manipulate) A farfetch’d changes the onion it carries into a formidable weapon. The onion takes on the traits and damage dice of any martial weapon as long as it is held by the farfetch’d.