A powerful magical being, created at the beginning of time in the heart of the Maelstrom. Discord stands unique amongst the protean, preferring to spend his time traveling between the planes and reaping as much chaos into the more boring, organized worlds as he can inject. His form changes shape often, he delights in appearing as mundane items or in disguise. Typically he appears as an amalgamation of several creatures, however his body is always serpentine like other proteans. He is often thought of as a trickster figure, most of his reality-warping exploits resulting in little more than bruises and hurt feelings. But if he is brought to anger or made an enemy of, Discord is a dangerous foe, capable of reshaping reality to no longer include those who annoy him. Discord has spent most of eternity alone, traveling from place to place causing chaos, but is secretly lonely and longs for companionship. Attempts to befriend Discord are often fraught and perilous, as the immortal being is barely cognizant of the limitations placed on mortal bodies. If Discord is made into an ally he can still be fickle and selfish, but his pranks and magics are far less dangerous and he will often rally to defend his friends in time of need (if he feels like it).
Perception +34; entropy sense (imprecise) 60 feet, darkvision
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Protean; telepathy 100 feet, tongues
Skills Acrobatics +35, Arcana +33, Athletics +33, Deception +33, Diplomacy +33, Intimidation +33, Religion +31, Stealth +35, Society +33
Str +8, Dex +10, Con +7, Int +6, Wis +6, Cha +8
Entropy Sense (divination, divine, prediction) Discord can anticipate the most likely presence of a creature through a supernatural insight into the chaotic probabilities and chance. This grants it the ability to sense creatures within the listed range. A creature under the effects of nondetection or that is otherwise shielded from divinations and predictions cannot be noticed via entropy sense.
AC 46; Fort +34, Ref +37, Will +33; +1 status to all saves vs. magic
HP 340, fast healing 10; Weaknesses lawful 15; Resistances precision 15, protean anatomy 30
Probability Manipulation Aura (divination, divine, prediction) Discord can make events more likely or less likely to transpire with a single thought, he may add or subtract 1d6 from any d20 roll that originates in the aura or affects a creature or object within his aura.
Protean Anatomy (divine, transmutation) Discord’s vital organs shift and change shape and position constantly. Immediately after Discord takes acid, electricity, or sonic damage, it gains the listed amount of resistance to that damage type. This lasts for 1 hour or until the next time Discord takes damage of one of the other types (in which case its resistance changes to match that type), whichever comes first.
Discord is immune to polymorph effects unless it is a willing target. If blinded or deafened, Discord automatically recovers at the end of its next turn as new sensory organs grow to replace the compromised ones.
Warpwave Trick (reaction) Trigger A creature targets Discord with a Strike and fails. Effect Discord quickly bends reality around himself to avoid the Strike, the attacking creature must make a DC 39 Fortitude save or be subject to a warpwave. (b 266)
Weakness to Petrification When struck by flesh to stone, Discord treats successes as failures.
Speed 25, fly 40 feet; freedom of movement
Melee (single actions) claw +38 (agile, finesse, magical) Damage 4d8+14 slashing plus 1d6 chaotic
Divine Innate Spells DC 45, attack +37; 9th foresight, weird, 8th baleful polymorph, disappearance, maze, scintillating pattern 7th duplicate foe, dispel magic (at will), project image, reverse gravity, plane shift (at will) 6th teleport (at will), dominate, mislead (at will) 5th creation (at will), hallucinatory terrain (at will, see reshape reality); 4th detect magic (at will), dimension door (at will), solid fog 2nd detect alignment (at will; lawful only); Constant (5th) tongues (4th) freedom of movement
Change Shape (single action) (concentrate, divine, polymorph, transmutation) Discord can take the appearance of any gargantuan or smaller creature. This doesn’t change its Speed or its attack and damage bonuses with its Strikes, but might change the damage type its Strikes deal.
Reshape Reality (concentrate, divine, polymorph, transmutation) When Discord casts hallucinatory terrain, it infuses the illusion with quasi-real substance. Creatures that do not disbelieve the illusion treat structures and terrain created through the spell as though they were real, drinking illusory tea, falling from an illusory cliff, and so on.