Spry and mysterious crossroad devils serve as the ambassadors and performers of hell. The prefer to work alone, scheming ways to trick more souls into consigning their souls to hell’s waiting fires. A dixigus appears as an older man, in shabby clothes and a large brimmed hat or heavy cloak masking their face in shadow. Only two bright red eyes are constantly present in a crossroad devil’s visage. They work on behalf of more powerful demon lords, brokering deals and laws while keeping their hosts entertained with their exquisite musical skills.
On the mortal plane, crossroads devils rarely attempt to integrate into a society. They prefer to live on the outskirts, lonely abandoned places where only the desperate travel. A crossroad devil’s favorite victim is an artist, it will offer its incredible golden instrument for a small price, the mortal’s soul. The crossroad devil will then often use their hold over an artist to spread their influence throughout the artist’s community, creating a small renaissance of spectacular artists, all bound for eternal damnation.
Perception +16; greater darkvision, true seeing
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal; telepathy 100 feet, tongues
Skills Acrobatics +14, Deception +16, Diplomacy +18, Intimidate +14, Performance +22, Religion +14, Society +15, Stealth +15
Str +3 Dex +4 Con +3 Int +2 Wis +3 Cha +5
Items golden instrument, hatchet
AC 26 Fort +12 Ref +17 Will +16 +1 to all saves vs. magic
HP 100 Immunities fire; Weaknesses good 5; Resistances physical 5 (except silver), poison 10
Gnashing Harmonica (aura, auditory, emotion, enchantment, mental) 30 feet. Each creature that ends its turn in the aura must succeed a DC 24 Will saving throw or become confused for one round. The crossroad devil can turn this aura on or off with a single action, which has the concentrate trait, and can choose not to affect allies within the aura.
Speed 35 feet
Melee smokey hatchet +17 (agile, magical, evil, sweep) Damage 1d6+7 plus 1d6 evil
Ranged smokey hatchet +17 (evil, magical, range increment 10 feet) Damage 1d6+3 plus 1d6 evil
Divine Innate Spells DC 26; 4th confusion, counterperformance, dimension door (at will), discern lies, paralyze, sound burst 3rd enthrall; 2nd darkness, invisibility; 1st ventriloquism; Cantrips (4th) daze, detect magic, ghost sound, inspire courage, inspire competence, message Constant (5th) tongues
Golden Instrument Bargain (Three action activity) The crossroad devil creates a instrument of pure gold which plays perfectly no matter the instruments form. This instrument grants a +6 bonus to performance checks. Any mortal who willingly takes the crossroad devil’s offer is then bound to the crossroad devil. A mortal must willingly take the instrument and in exchange their soul is bound to the crossroad devil and hell.
Once the instrument has been taken from the crossroad devil it may not be destroyed, lost or returned. All instances of attempting to rid oneself of the golden instrument are futile as the instrument always returns to it’s owners side, perfectly intact, without fail. As long as the mortal carries the instrument, the crossroad devil can locate them, gaining the effect of the locate spell with unlimited range.
Smoker’s Toss any hatchet held by a crossroad devil turns to smoke and reappears in the crossroad devil’s hand after its been thrown, as if it had the returning rune while they hold it.