Designtober 8 - Andalite



Descended from extraterrestrial herd animals, Andalite’s see themselves as the stewards of the galaxy. They have developed interstellar travel, cured disease and raised several other sentient species to the star, but their most notable achievement is the Escafil Device, which grants the ability to morph. Andalite’s travel to vast and unknown worlds to find new morphs, increasing their roster of forms with each new creature they encounter. The andalites also work to eradicate the yeerk threat they unleashed on the galaxy. Taking pity on the mind-controlling slugs, the andalites sought to help the parasites, but were betrayed. The yeerks now stand posed to enslave all life through the galaxy and the andalites pitilessly work to stamp the incursion out by any means necessary.


ANDALITE                               CREATURE 5


Perception +12; darkvision, see invisibility

Languages Aklo, Andalite, Common; telepathy 100 feet, tongues

Skills Acrobatics +15, Athletics +16, Deception +12, Diplomacy +12, Society +16, Stealth +15

Str +5, Dex +4, Con +3, Int +5, Wis +1, Cha +1

AC 22; Fort + 11, Ref +13, Will +13

HP 80; Immunities disease

Attack of Opportunity (reaction)

Speed 40 feet

Melee (one action) shorm (bladed tail) +14 (deadly d10, reach 10), Damage 1d10+7 slashing

Morph (activity) The andalite spends two minutes to polymorph into any of the forms listed in the animal form spell. The effect lasts two hours, after which the andalite must return to its original form or become permanently stuck in the morph form.

Acquire Morph (one action) In order to acquire new morphs, an andalite must physically touch an adjacent creature with the Animal, Beast, Dragon, or Humanoid trait. The defending creature may make a DC 20 Fortitude to avoid becoming stunned 3, all creatures become immune to this ability after their first exposure. The andalite may then add that creature to the list of creatures it may take the form of using the morph ability. When morphing into creatures added this way, the andalite replaces their own scores and abilities for that of the morphed creature, except the andalite retains its telepathy ability in this form.