Designtober 27 - Degenerate Alghollthu (L'gnashngatl)



Created to be servants to the vidileth and aboleth, the l’gnashngatl proved too wily to dominate and too impatient to serve as master manipulators. They are viewed with great disdain by the other alghollthu, seen as a great mistake that’s been allowed to carry on for too long. The l’gnashngatl do not grow as large as their more powerful cousins, nor do they carry the same mastery of magic or intellect for long-planned manipulations. L’gnashngatl prefer short-term plans, using their single tentacle with a light called an ‘esca’ to create an illusion which draws unwitting mortals to its fanged mouth. Occasionally during times of war, the vidileth will create large numbers of l’gnashngatls to put pressure on mortal communities into bending to their will, uncaring how many l’gnashngatls may also die in the process.


ALGHOLLTHU DEGENERATE                          CREATURE 5


Perception +14; darkvision, guiding light (30 feet)

Languages Aklo, Alghollthu, Aquan, Common, Undercommon

Skills Athletics +12, Deception +16, Intimidation +13, Occultism +12

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +5, Int +3, Wis +4, Cha +4

Guiding Light (occult, visual) When the l’gnashngatl is not using its esca lure ability, it produces a soft dispelling light. This allows the l’gnashngatl to see creatures within 30 feet of it as if it was under the effect of the spell true seeing.

AC 21; Fort +15, Ref +9, Will +13

HP 80

Speed 10 feet, swim 60 feet

Melee fangs +13 (agile, magical, reach 10 feet) Damage 2d8+8 piercing

Melee esca +15 (magical, reach 15 feet) Damage 2d6+ 4 electricity

Occult Innate Spells DC 19; 3rd Enthrall (at will), hypnotic pattern, paralyze; 2nd calm emotions, dispel magic (at will), illusory creature, paranoia; 1st command, grease, illusory object, unseen servant

Esca Lure (single action)(occult, illusion, visual, concentrate) The L’gnashngatl uses its esca to bewitch creatures within 30 feet. All creatures must make a DC 21 Will save, on a critical success they are unaffected, on a success they gain the dazzled condition for 1 round, a failure results in the creatures gaining the fascinated condition until the l’gnashngatl drops effect, on a critical failure the affected creature gains the fascinated condition and must use its action to move closer to the l’gnashngatl. The l’gnashngatl cannot use its esca Strike while maintaining this ability.