Designtober 26 - Blue Eyes White Dragon

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Powerful and angry dragons typically found trapped away in cards. A blue eyes white dragon is thought to be one of the most powerful card dragons, its temper and incredible power are legendary. Even more terrifying, in times of strife, three blue eyes white dragons can combine with each other into a god-like creature, the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon. Fortunately the power needed to sustain such a form is immense and the dragon reverts back into the its parts but not before unleashing incredible damage.


BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGON                          CREATURE 9


Perception +20; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet

Languages Draconic

Skills Acrobatics +22, Athletics +18, Arcana +18, Intimidation +20, Stealth +16

Str +6, Dex +4, Con +5, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha +2

AC 28; Fort +20, Ref +18, Will +15

HP 170; Immunities paralyzed, unconscious

Trap Card (reaction) Trigger A creature is summoned within 30 feet of the blue eyes white dragon. Effect A shadow appears under the summoned creature, the creature must make a DC 28 Fortitude save or be sent back to the plane it originated.

Speed 25 feet, fly 60 feet

Melee fangs +19 (magic) Damage 2d10+15 piercing

Melee claws +23 (magic, reach 10 feet) Damage 2d8+10 slashing

Majesty Beam (two actions) (arcane, force, evocation) The blue eyes white dragon creates a cloud of force and unleashes it in a 60 foot cone. Creatures caught in the cone take 11d6 force damage and gain the stunned 5 condition unless they succeed on a DC 26 Reflex save. Creatures that succeed on this save take half damage and gain the stunned 1 condition. It can’t use Majesty Beam again for 1d6 rounds.

Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon (three actions) Requirements Three blue eyes white dragons are adjacent to each other. Effect The three blue eye white dragons combine into a single, ultimate dragon. The new dragon acts on the turn of the blue eyes white dragon that created it, uses the same stats as the original but is huge, its current HP is the total of the three combined dragons, its max HP is 510 and increase Majesty Beam to DC 30 which now effects three separate cones. After 1 minute the blue eyes ultimate dragon reverts back into three blue eyes white dragons, with its remaining HP divided equally among the three.