Designtober 12 - Koffing



A strange, spherical creature filled with poisonous gases. A koffing is a simple and loving creature, contentedly floating from place to place. It searches for garbage and chemical waste that it may ingest to strength its own natural poisonous gases. Koffings naturally occur in urban areas, some theorize they may be a result of waste and magical reagents combining together to create the strange creature. In addition to their gas being poisonous, it is also combustable and a startled or weakened koffing may explode in a panic. Koffings can be caught, and even tamed. A companion koffing can be a lifetime friend, and those that bond with koffings claim to even get used to the awful smell and allergy-causing gases that constantly emit from the small geysers covering its body.


KOFFING                                 CREATURE 3


Perception +7; low-light vision

Languages Common, Undercommon (understands speech, only responds with ‘koffing’)

Skills Athletics +9, Stealth +8

Str +3, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +1

AC 17; Fort +13, Ref +11, Will +6

HP 50; Immunities Disease, Paralyze, Poison Weaknesses Fire 5, Electricity 5

Smog Puffs (Aura, Poison) 20 feet. A koffing’s body is constantly emitting pollutant secretions in the air around it. All creatures ending their turn in the aura must make a DC 18 Fortitude save or become sickened 2 for one minute.

Speed fly 40 feet

Melee body slam +11 (shove) Damage 1d8+6 plus 1d6 poison

Toxic Gas (two actions) (evocation, poison) The koffing expels a 10 foot radius cloud of rank gas centered on a square within 30 feet. The gas persists for 1 round. Any creature in the area (or that later enters the area) is exposed to the koffing’s poison.

Self-Destruct (two actions) The koffing’s internal gases explode, reducing the koffing to 0 HP. All creatures within 20 feet take 5d6 half bludgeoning half poison damage, a DC 18 Reflex save halves the damage.

Koffing Poison (poison) Saving Throw DC 19 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 1 minute; Stage 1 1d6 poison damage; Stage 2 1d8 poison damage and slow 1 Stage 3 1d10 poison, slowed 2, and flat-footed