Created in a secret lab by mad scientists from the Shinra Corporation. A lost number is a hideous creature, large and powerful it commands a mastery of both magic and physical prowess. Though the experiment which created lost numbers was deemed a failure, the monsters are still used to guard secrets the company wants to remain hidden. It has an alien appearance- squat legs, two large arms and headless body with a crooked maw and two beady eyes. The right side of a lost number’s body is red and lithe, while the left side is purple and muscle. When the creature is in danger one of the forms will assume complete control over the whole body to grant the lost number advantage against whatever preferred attack method it’s opponent prefers.
Perception +18; darkvision
Languages Aklo, Common, Undercommon
Skills Arcana +20, Athletics +20, Intimidation +18
Str +6, Dex +3, Con +4, Int +3, Wis +3, Cha +6
AC 27; Fort +20, Ref +15, Will +20
HP 180; Immunities polymorph
Attack of Opportunity (reaction)
Form Advantage (reaction) Trigger A lost number is brought below 100 hp. Effect If the HP loss was due to a magical effect, a lost number assumes its red form. If the HP loss was due to a physical effect, a lost number assumes its purple form.
Speed 25 feet
Melee fist +19 (reach 15 feet) Damage 2d8+11
Arcane Innate Spells DC 25; 3rd lightning bolt (at will) Cantrips (5th) electric arc, produce flame, ray of frost
Red Form (transmutation, polymorph) A lost number protects itself from magical attacks and strengthens its own magic in its red form. While in its red form its spell DC increases to 30, and lightning bolt is heightened to a 5th level spell. Red form grants a +1 status bonus to all saves vs. magic and it gains resistances acid 10, cold 10, fire 10, electricity 10, sonic 10. A lost number returns to its base form after 1 hour.
Purple Form (transmutation, polymorph) A lost number protects itself from physical attacks and strengthens its own physical attack in its purple form. While in its purple form it gains a +4 status bonus to melee Strikes, the damage from its fist Strike increases to 2d12+17, its AC increases to 31, and it becomes immune to paralyzed, sickened and disease. A lost number returns to its base form after 1 hour.