A small, smelly creature that typically hangs out in dumps and sewers. A krumm is a kind of monster, a creature that is generally harmless but consumes fear as a kind of sustenance. A krumm is a simple creature, it has pale skin with wiry patches of body hair, no head but a large mouth on its abdomen and it continuously holds its eyeballs in each of its hands. Most krumms are forgetful and clumsy and often loses their eyeballs, only to have then retrieve them. Krumm’s don’t place any value on material things, aside from toenails, which they collect and use as currency with other monsters.
Peception +8; darkvision
Languages Aklo, Common, Undercommon
Skills Athletics +2, Deception +5, Intimidate +4, Stealth +8
Str +2, Dex +1, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +1
AC 14; Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +3
HP 8; Immunities disease, fear, olfactory
Monster Stink (aura, olfactory) 30 feet. A creature entering the aura must succeed at a DC 13 Fortitude save or be sickened 1 (or sickened 2 on a critical failure). On a success, the creature is temporarily immune to the sickened effects of this stink for 1 hour. A plugged nose allows an individual to avoid exposure to the stench.
Melee fist +5, Damage 1d4 plus krumm sweat
Krumm Sweat The awful stench surrounding a krumm occurs naturally, a by-product of its sweat. When it Strikes an opponent, its sweat splashes onto that creature, making them sickened 1 until they’ve had a chance to bathe or clean their clothing.
Loose Eyeballs A krumm carries its eyeball in its hands, and delicately holds them in its mouth when it needs to free up its hands. A krumm may also see from its eyeballs no matter the distance, and may leave an in a location in order to later observe it.
Big Scare (three actions)(olfactory, visual, audible, mental) If a krumm is unobserved and within 30 feet of its targets it may attempt to scare the creatures. The krumm uses scent, shadows and sound and all creatures within 30 feet (excluding any creatures with the monster trait) must succeed at a DC 14 Will save or be frightened 2 (or must flee for 1 minute on a critical failure). The Krumm receives 1d6 hp for every creature that fails this save.